Operation Bootstrap, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been in operation for over 35 years. We are an adult education program, located in Lynn, Massachusetts, working with adults seeking to improve their English literacy skills; improve their basic reading, writing and math skills; and develop stronger computer based skills. Bootstrap also teaches career exploration, career planning and work readiness skills to better prepare students for employment, post-secondary education and training, or college.
Operation Bootstrap’s mission is to (1) provide a supportive educational environment for adult learners from the greater Lynn area; (2) provide opportunities for non-native English speakers to learn English and improve their English language arts and math skills; (3) encourage students to explore a variety of career pathways available in the regional labor market; (4) develop employment, career and/or college readiness skills; and (5) successfully make the transition to post secondary education, training and employment.