Athens Information Technology (AIT), an internationally-renowned nonprofit education and research center in the fields of information technology, telecommunications, and innovation management, was founded in 2002 by the INTRACOM group of companies. In creating AIT, INTRACOM’s purpose was to build on the track record of excellence set by Greek scientists and engineers both in Greece and abroad, and to enable Greece to play a significant future role in these fields.
AIT’s mission is twofold:
1. To establish and maintain a center of excellence for research and education in the areas of information and communication technologies, innovation management and entrepreneurship; and
2. To foster the development of top level competitive professionals capable of creating technological and entrepreneurial breakthroughs
In its 15 years of existence, AIT has become a beacon of research and education excellence in the field of ICT in Greece and beyond, achieving an impressive number of important milestones that clearly form an outstanding record for any institution of its size and youth.
This is manifested by:
Private academia ranking, Research grant attraction, International recognition and distinctions in the Academic and Research arenas, Strong network of R&D partners, Industrial research excellence and Startup companies.