עזריאלי-מכללה אקדמית להנדסה ירושלים הינה מוסד אקדמי מוכר על ידי המועצה להשכלה גבוהה והיא נוסדה ב1999.
במכללה 9 מחלקות אקדמיות ללימודי תואר ראשון בהנדסה:
הנדסת תוכנה, הנדסת חומרים, הנדסת תעשייה וניהול, הנדסת חשמל ואלקטרוניקה, הנדסה פרמצבטית, הנדסת מכונות, הנדסה אזרחית.
תואר ראשון במדעי המחשב
תואר שני בהנדסת תוכנה
תואר שני ביזמות טכנולוגית.
Founded in 1999, Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem (originally The Jerusalem College of Engineering)
was established following a government decision to open a college to train engineers in Jerusalem. This was based on the belief that Jerusalem’s economic future depended upon its ability to educate technology professionals. ACE Jerusalem is the only institute of higher education in Jerusalem, which purely focuses on engineering.
We provide our students with a first-class education and cutting-edge training that allows them to easily integrate into the workforce as engineers. we provide them with 4-year B.Sc. degrees and partner with high-tech companies, such as TEVA and Intel, and renowned institutes of higher education, such as the Technion, and the college’s Executive and Academic Committees are comprised of industry leaders.
We are committed to the ongoing development of the city of Jerusalem. As such, we inculcuate our students with a sense of social reponsibility.