Kjell Lennart Andersson
Ceo - Chief Executive Officer at Eskilstuna Energi Och Miljö
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Work Experience
Ceo - Chief Executive Officer
Company Details
Vi är din lokala leverantör av samhällsnyttiga tjänster och som: el, fjärrvärme, fjärrkyla, vatten, avlopps- och avfallstjänster, biogas samt fiber och laddlösningar för elbil. Eskilstuna Energy & Environment was established in 1993 as a municipality owned company with responsibility for the distribution of electricity and the selling of electricity, district heating and cooling, water, sewage, waste handling and IT communications in the municipal district. Eskilstuna Energy & Environment has a total of 413 employees.
Year Founded
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Civil Engineering, Commodity brokers and commodity futures brokers and dealers, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Power exchanges, Electricity traders, Electricity distribution, Energy, fuel and water, Energy, Environment, Waste collection and recycling services NES
HQ Location
Kungsgatan 86 Eskilstuna, 63186, SE
ÅtervinningElnätVatten och AvloppBiogasMiljödiplomeringEnergiFiberElbilsladdningElavtalFjärrvärme
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