ICE Chat: LiquidityEnergy
Phone: 212-931-1780; 609-716-1500; 713-904-3510
Liquidity Energy is a brokerage services company specializing in the energy markets, providing industry-wide clients with access to market information as well as OTC and exchange-listed trade execution services.
We help our clients execute futures, options, and other derivatives orders in the domestic natural gas and global crude oil and products markets. We also offer a full slate of power products focused on PJM strips, options, heat rates, and capacity and congestion markets. Strengths from the power side add value to our natural gas group. In addition, we are increasingly active in the biofuels markets, focusing primarily on biodiesel, ethanol and RINs for regional producers, petroleum refineries, wholesale fuel terminals and suppliers.
Our decades-long experience trading all energy products lends us a unique edge in satisfying customer needs at the best possible prices, and our IB status allows for full-service futures clearing to complement our OTC energy operation. We take the time to understand precisely which types of hedges would best suit our clients, working hard to identify relevant trading opportunities for asset optimization.
Liquidity Energy was ranked by ICE in the top three of all natural gas OTC brokerage shops for the first quarter of 2014. Further out, we seek to maintain our energy expertise while broadening trade execution and clearing services into other market areas, particularly metals and bonds. We are actively looking to add experienced brokers to our team.