Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School is a private, Catholic, all-girls secondary school located in Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania. It is located in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Graduate Profile- A true Mercy girl is well-rounded. Academics may come first, but clubs and after-school activities are a close second, as is the commitment of a Mercy girl to give-back to her community.
A woman who is well prepared for the challenges of a college experience.
A woman who actively engages in the learning process and is committed to the continual development of her unique gifts, talents and abilities.
A woman of integrity who fosters right relationships and justice for all persons.
A woman who communicates effectively and uses her influence to bring about social change.
A woman who demonstrates critical thinking and problem-solving skills, technological competence, flexibility, and an appreciation of diversity - ingredients for success in her future endeavors.
A woman who demonstrates respect for herself and others; makes wise choices and accepts responsibility for her actions.
A woman who appreciates creativity and beauty in their myriad forms of expression.
A woman who is empowered to become an authentic witness of Mercy in the global community of the 21st Century.