LINK – Established in New Zealand in 1996, we sell businesses from $100k to $30million in New Zealand, Australia and USA.
LINK is the largest and most awarded business brokerage in the world and the statistics tell the story:
🗸$2billion of business for sale
🗸 250,000+ active buyers on databases
🗸 14 major industry specialties
🗸 Success fee only pay structure
LINK’s customers are sellers and buyers of businesses and we’ve become the most trusted brokerage by focusing on service, value and integrity. For a confidential chat about selling or buying a business, give us a call.
Leasing Non-residential Real Estate, Holding companies and groups of companies, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Property development, management and sales services, Services to businesses
HQ Location
401 Great South Road
Auckland, 1051, NZ
Selling BusinessMid-Market SalesAcquisitionsand Business Brokerage