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About Kevin Woods
Kevin Woods is at Zirocco ApS in Nordborg, South Denmark, Denmark. Previously worked at Skyways Technics as undefined. Zirocco ApS is a Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering company in Østager 2
Sønderborg, Syddanmark 6400, DK with 14 employees
Manufacturer of Hammer Jet and other hand guided gas turbine surface dryers - the original jet dryers for roads and surfaces!
Zirocco has many years of experience and comprehensive competences within jet turbines and aerodynamics. This is extended with knowledge on the demands within industrial production and quality assurance.
The very effective but yet very mobile and flexible jet turbine Zirocco road cleaner and dryer is built on high quality products and has both rugged and advanced technology to ensure that contractors can execute road marking, crack repair, and paving in even wet and cold conditions.
Wet and cold conditions are constant challenges to contractors performing road construction, marking of roads and airport runways, and paving in general. The Zirocco dries and clean effectively, even in very wet conditions, and can be operated manually or installed on a truck or on a liner, which extend the number of days, where the users of the Zirocco can continue the planned operations.