LEI Worldwide reduce the regulatory burden on both the LEI issuers and the Legal Entities applying for their LEI numbers. We make the process accessible and simple for Legal Entities to obtain Legal Entity Identifier numbers from the LEI issuers (LOU’s). We do not issue LEI numbers, that is the role of the LOU’s, however we have detailed knowledge of the process and we liaise with the LOU’s on behalf of our clients and procure the relevant information for them.
By doing this we help streamline the process, and help facilitate the global allocation of LEI numbers before the deadline in 2018. Remember “no LEI, no trade”. It is our mission to be the one point of contact globally between Legal Entities & LOU’s and ensuring as few people as possible are effected by the MifiD II regulations.
We believe the LEI will be the sole identifier of all legal entities, and we endeavour to realise to realise this ambition, bringing clarity and transparency to global financial marketplace.
Please contact us at info@lei-worldwide.com for all enquiries.