Kevin Martinez
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Work Experience
Regional Manager
Company Details
501-1000 Employees
Skupina JUB je slovensko, sodobno in mednarodno uveljavljeno podjetje z močnimi lastnimi blagovnimi znamkami, ki obsega trinajst odvisnih družb in posluje na več kot tridesetih trgih širom Evrope in zunaj nje. Danes JUB odlikujejo sodobna avtomatizirana in robotizirana proizvodnja, visoka produktivnost, ekološka osveščenost in usmerjenost proizvodnje z vsemi ustreznimi certifikati, sodobna energetska urejenost, najsodobnejši lastni razvoj izdelkov in informacijske tehnologije, najvišji bonitetni rang, visoki delovni in socialni standard zaposlenih. Kupcem nudimo edinstvene in celovite rešitve usmerjene v trajnostno ter varno gradnjo, energetsko varčnost in okoljsko odgovornost. V Skupini JUB se zavedamo, da je skrb za zdravo in varno delovno ter življenjsko okolje eden izmed temeljnih pogojev za razvoj skupine in povečuje zadovoljstvo kupcev, zaposlenih, lastnikov ter ugled skupine v javnosti. Delujemo družbeno odgovorno in se na različnih trgih prilagajamo kulturi trga in zahtevam o kakovosti izdelka. _________________________________________________________________________________________ JUB is successful international corporation with more than 144-year tradition in the production of paints which comprises thirteen subsidiaries and operates in more than thirty markets. Today, JUB distinguishes itself with the state-of-the-art, automated, and robotics-driven production, high productivity, ecological consciousness and environment friendly production orientation with all applicable certificates, sustainable energy arrangement, up-to-date product development and information technology, the highest credit rating, high working and social standards for employees and focus on customers in order to fulfil their needs and meet their taste. Constant development and growth of JUB Group bring new challenges, which we address with successful cooperation and by satisfying interests of all our target audiences.
Year Founded
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Chemical Manufacturing
HQ Location
Dol pri Ljubljani 28 Vir Dol pri Ljubljani, Slovenija 1262, SI
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