Atlas Commodities, LLC, is a full-service commodity brokerage firm, providing portfolio diversification and the ability to hedge production and consumption against price fluctuations. We facilitate trading for both institutional buyers and sellers and producers, processors and end-users in all energies, including power, natural gas, and crude oil. Atlas’ product offerings include a variety of financial derivatives and physical products. On a daily basis, Atlas surveys international markets, conducts research and keeps up to date with the latest financial news, in order to provide expert insight to our clients.
Minority Business Enterprise (CERT#: HS04904)
Small Business Enterprise (CERT#: HS04904)
Veteran Owned (U.S. Navy)
Atlas Commodities, LLC (FRN:969722) is an appointed representative of Kroll Securities Limited (FRN: 466588) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.