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About Kenny Chang
Kenny Chang is Senior Manager at Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam in singapore. Previously worked at Worley as Finance Lead. Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam is a Maritime Transportation company in Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (Headquarters), Jalan Pelabuhan, Muara, BT1728, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Muara BT1728, BN with 16 employees
The Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (“MPABD”) is a statutory body established under the MPABD Act, Chapter 222.
This Act regulates all activities of MPABD.
MPABD Act stipulates that the functions of MPABD include licensing and regulatory functions in respect of merchant shipping and particularly in respect of safety at sea, the manning of vessels and the prevention of pollution at sea within ports areas and territorial waters of Brunei Darussalam. MPABD also functions to promote efficiency and the development of the port, as well as to regulate and control navigation within the limit of the port and approaches to the port. To ensure the orderly operations and development of the maritime sector and industries, MPABD also exercise licensing and regulatory functions in respect of marine and port services and facilities.
The Authority also acts internationally as the national body representative of Brunei Darussalam in respect of sea transport, marine and port matters such as IMO and ASEAN. Brunei Darussalam had joined and become IMO members since 1984 an important platform to promote Brunei Darussalam interest in Maritime.
Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (Headquarters), Jalan Pelabuhan, Muara, BT1728, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Muara BT1728, BN