Sandwich Technology School is an 11 - 18 school for girls and boys with specialist Technology College, vocational and Training School status. Technology Colleges are designed to be innovative; to offer enhanced learning opportunities beyond the National Curriculum in Maths, Science, Technology andInformation Communications Technology. Vocational status was achieved in April 2006 and will enable the school to offer a broad range of vocational courses that will enhance the academic provision we offer andmeet the learning needs of our students. Training School status was achieved in autumn 2006.
Our expertise is not confined to the field of technology, we are also proud to boast excellence across thecurriculum which has been recognised with both Artsmark Gold and Sportsmark awards.
All students follow the National Curriculum and are entered for an appropriate range of level 1 and level courses. The school emphasises the basic skills of literacy and numeracy, offering a wide range ofactivities to support students' development in these key areas. The appropriate use of ICT pervades thewhole curriculum. As a Technology College, our enhanced facilities mean we can progressively raise the academic standards achieved by all. Our ultimate aim is to develop a modern educational culture thatreflects the technological age in which we live.
Much of our community work involves workshops and, in particular, we work in partnership with local primary schools on annual projects such as the parades for the Sandwich Festival and other local carnivals.