Through the KISRA program areas of HEAL: Health, Employment, Asset Development, and Learning, KISRA works to heal and strengthen families.
Health: Providing healthcare options for all citizens through a community health center and support services for individuals in the recovery stage for a mental illness.
Employment: Programs to help people find jobs and achieve economic self-sufficiency, encourage men to become better fathers and providers, and pave the way for ex-offenders to reenter the community.
Asset Development: Programs that help people become more financially fit, establish a pattern of saving, and micro business technical assistance.
Learning: Programs that offer children appropriate early childhood development, safe after-school havens and prepare them for academic success. Also includes programs that help teens make good life decisions and successfully pursue higher education.
Contact us to learn more about participating or supporting the programs we provide in the following counties: Kanawha, Cabell, Raleigh, Mercer, Wood and Randolph.