With over 40 years of mining engineering experience, Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers (KCE) has successfully finished about 700 projects.
Our core services consist of geological prospecting, minerals exploration, feasibility study, technical and economical evaluation, surface and underground mining, geotechnical engineering, mineral processing, and plant design. We also provide pioneer services in mining engineering, such as application of artificial intelligence, and we are open to experience novel methods in geosciences.
Our company is consulting organization with its staff’s ownership, and our customers are from local to the international scale.
HQ Location
No. 4, 1st Arghavan Alley, 2nd West Alley
Fakouri St. Simon Bolivar Blvd., Ashrafi-e-Esfahani Boulevard
Tehran, Iran 1477638481, IR
Geology and GeochemistryMineral Exploration & ProspectingMine Design & PlanningMineral ProcessingEconomical AssessmentCivil Works & Geotechnical Servicesand Minerals - Industrial ProjectsMinerals - Industrial Projects