SATLYTICS offers independent consulting for the application of geodata in agriculture with a focus on satellite imaging technologies. The service, offered on a freelance basis, aims at innovative, future-oriented solutions for digitalization in agriculture for customers from the agricultural industries, administration and politics. Based on its excellent knowledge of digital information technologies and their potential for adding value to agriculture, SATLYTICS sees itself as an interface between the space/geo/IT and AgTech industries.
Dr. Katrin Kohler has been continuously involved in all significant developments in the field of satellite remote sensing and geodata use for agriculture for more than 30 years. The wealth of experience spans worldwide regional and field-related applications, such as crop forecasts for trade, crop and trial monitoring in the context of precision farming and product development, assessments of environmental and climate influences as a basis for decision-making for future measures as well as evaluations of cultivation site potentials for strategic planning. This basis allows her to support her customers in all stages of the development of digital information services, from the idea to the product, through knowledge transfer, evaluation, product design and project support.