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About Katra Krsmanović
Katra Krsmanović is Account Manager at Marketing Agency Vodik in Slovenia. Previously worked at Planet TV as Producer. Marketing Agency Vodik is a Advertising Services company in Cesta v Gorice 34b
Ljubljana, Slovenia 1000, SI with 11 employees
From a small team to full-service advertising agency
We entered the world of communications as a family business in 2009. Many things have changed since then, but some things have remained the same. From a small team offering a limited range of services, we have evolved into a full-service agency offering 360° solutions and co-creating the stories of established brands in both Slovenia and Croatia.
Although our team has grown considerably over the years, we remain a family business, with each and every employee an equal member of the Vodik family.
Our mission
Through expert advice and excellent support, we design innovative marketing solutions focused on brand growth. We build trust and long-term partnerships through results, with mutual cooperation at the heart of it.
We nurture long-term relationships
We are proud of the fact that we have more than 100 partnerships with clients from Slovenia, Croatia and EU, with whom we nurture long-term relationships built on trust, understanding and mutual respect.
Some of our satisfied clients: Paul Hartmann, Farmedica, Merck, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Drogerie Markt, Iglu Šport, Mana, Javni Holding Ljubljana, Josef Manner, T-2, Lekarna Ljubljana, etc.