Ecoremedy provides the worlds most advanced platform for nutrient and energy recovery from a broad range of municipal, industrial and agricultural organic waste streams.
Ecoremedy’s Fluid Lift Gasification™ (FLG) process is a highly robust thermal conversion system that can flexibly process organic residuals into a wide range of carbon-based end products ranging from inert ash to nutrient-rich soil amendments. Solids volumes are typically reduced by up to 90% while also allowing energy-recovery in many applications. Beyond simple conversion, Ecoremedy’s FLG conversion process can flexibly adapt in real-time to best handle a client’s specific needs to continuously maximize both opportunity and ROI.
The modular design of Ecoremedy’s FLG platform is easily adapted for the needs of an individual site or a regional facility.
Air, Water, and Waste Program Management
HQ Location
960 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222, US
Fluid Lift GasificatioResource RecoveryWaste Water TreatmentAlternative Energy ProductsRenewable Thermal EnergyCarbon-Neutral EmissionsBiosolid Feedstock Solutions