Saint Paul’s-Clearwater's Independent School is a proud Independent school nestled in a private neighborhood on 12 acres, in the heart of Clearwater, Florida, where the sun shines 240 days a year.
We are passionate about the power and importance of a K-8 education and about protecting the sanctity of childhood. We are dedicated to expanding our knowledge of innovative teaching and learning practices and to attracting the most talented faculty, both nationally and internationally. We are devoted to supporting the academic growth of our students and to forming deep and lasting relationships with our families.
Our 425 students, spanning eight-weeks to eighth grade, are a microcosm of the world around us. In line with our Episcopal values, our community welcomes and celebrates families with a range of ethnicities and religions.
We are intentional about building an inclusive community, our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts over the last eight years have yielded a 41% increase in our number of diverse students, speaking over 15 languages.
We are equally proud to have 49 legacy students enrolled whose commitment to Saint Paul’s may span three generations.
Graduates of Saint Paul’s are accepted into the high schools, boarding schools, and colleges of their choice, poised to excel in the classroom, on the field, and on the stage. Our 55-year history supports a vast network of industry-leaders, community-leaders, and thought-leaders.