Folio Investing is the brokerage designed specifically to help you maximize returns by providing you with the ability to create customized, well-diversified portfolios and manage them at a low cost.
It’s the one place where you can create an unlimited number of diversified investment portfolios, called folios, to combine the benefits of direct stock ownership with one-click control over your portfolio strategy. You can customize each folio with up to 100 stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds or choose from over 160 free, pre‐made Ready-to‐Go folios that you can use as-is or customize. Diversification is easy and accessible at Folio because with fractional share investing, you can trade securities at any dollar amount—even less than a full share. Folio is the only brokerage to offer flat‐fee pricing that includes 2,000 commission-free window trades each month for $29 so you can trade freely regardless of the number of securities in your folios (nominal fee for IRAs). Folio also provides patented tax management tools as well as access to private investment opportunities. Financial professionals can leverage these benefits for their clients using the Folio Institutional platform.
©2018 by FOLIOfn, Inc. Folio Investing®, Folio Institutional®, Folio Advisor®, Folio Client®, FOLIOfn®, Folios®, and VIA Folio® are trademarks of FOLIOfn, Inc. All rights reserved. Securities products and brokerage and clearing services are offered by Folio Investments, Inc., a registered broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through FOLIO Research, LLC, an investment advisor registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia. Folio Investments, Inc. and FOLIO Research, LLC are separate, wholly owned subsidiaries of FOLIOfn, Inc.