Family Health Partnership Clinic (FHPC) provides high quality medical care to the uninsured and underinsured of McHenry County. Success at the clinic is due to the community and local providers who volunteer their time to help patients. The clinic receives no state or federal funding to operate; It is supported by individuals, corporations, grants, and foundations. Today, the clinic patients can utilize dental services, screenings, and mental health therapy, in addition to family practice.
The clinic charges on a sliding scale fee; most people pay approximately $15.00 per visit, yet no one is turned away for the inability to pay. In house, an average of 8,000 patients are seen each year; however, referrals and support to outside specialists are provided as well.
In 2017, A mobile medical supply van was added to the clinic from the Sage Legacy Fund in cooperation with the McHenry County Community Foundation to allow staff nurses to reach the homeless and disconnected populations.