The International Forum for Volunteering in Development (known as “Forum”) is the most significant global network of Volunteer Co-operation Organisations. Forum aims to share information, develop good practice and enhance co-operation and support between its Members. Together, Forum Members explore innovative practice and research key contemporary issues, focusing on organisational learning and improved practice. This information is shared in person, at conferences and via the website.
Forum is resourced by membership subscriptions, the staff time and budgets of the organisations providing the Chair and Executive Board of Officers as well as occasional grants. Subscriptions from Members enable Forum to operate at a basic level and organise the annual IVCO (International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations) conference, which has proved very successful since it began in the late 1990s.
Forum’s Members include both non-governmental (NGO) and state organisations which work through over 12,000 volunteer development workers in more than 100 developing countries.
Forum’s Origins
Forum was founded in 1964 in Strasbourg under the auspices of the Council of Europe. Until 2000, Forum was an organisation for European-based agencies. In 2000, membership of Forum was opened up to organisations across the world. In 2002, Forum took over responsibility for running an annual meeting of Heads of International Volunteer Co-operation Organisations.