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About Kate Smith
Kate Smith is at Ecometrix Incorporated in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Previously worked at Tersa Earth as undefined. Ecometrix Incorporated is a Environmental Services company in 6800 Campobello Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2L8, CA with 55 employees
Companies need to effectively plan their operations, taking into consideration the impact of their activity on the environment, local populations and other important stakeholder groups.
That’s where Ecometrix comes in.
Our team of dedicated scientists approach every environmental assessment with knowledge backed by years of experience working with regulatory agencies as well as private and public sector clients covering several industries.
Using Environmental Intelligence™ and our four principles of Thought, Application, Solution and Communication (TASC), we help our clients find solutions to help them make decisions that protect the environment while taking into consideration interest group priorities and overall business objectives.