Beneficent is a signatory organisation to the Australian Consensus Statement of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine(AFOEM) on the Health Benefits of Good Work. Beneficent's mission is to restore life, career and dignity for people with injury, illness and disability
Adjective (of a person) doing or producing good:
• altruistic, humane, philanthropic, resulting in good.
Our services are based upon the following:
• one should not practice evil or do harm
• one should practice good
Our philosophy is to practice good at all times, using a positive psychology approach to achieve superior outcomes; we are committed to:
• providing an Elite Service Standard delivered by experienced specialists in
health and career recovery to achieve the best health outcomes for clients
• deliver positively architected services to achieve more sustainable prevention,
health recovery and RTW outcomes for clients and customers
• service delivery structured to enhance mental health recovery to achieve
positive and sustainable outcomes for clients
We take a 'whole of life' person centred approach to helping individuals restore positive mental health, where our clients, through a positive coaching process determines their life goals, self care needs and steps to achieving the fulfilment of their Dream Map.
Beneficent's services are based on positive psychology and address the following RTW and life blockages:
• Lack of strategy to address the traumatic impact of injury, illness and
• Lack of motivation due to having no perceived control of life & being in a
state of Learned Helplessness
• Lack of ability to self-calm when trauma hits and survival instincts take over
• Lack of resilience and emotional control in the face of adverse life events
• Lack of positive reinforcement and emotional management strategies to drive
positive solutions