The Polish Medicines Verification Organisation was established on 5th July 2017 with the aim to create and implement an IT system for verifying the authenticity of medicinal products. The obligation to create the organization results from the Community regulations aimed at preventing drug falsification that threatens the health and lives of patients. Similar organisations will be established in all EU countries.
The obligation imposed on the representatives of the pharmaceutical industry of individual Member States to create a National Medicines Verification Organisation results directly from Directive 2011/62/EU, the so-called Falsified Medicines Directive, and its implementing Act under the Polish law of 19 December 2014 on amending the Act — Pharmaceutical Law and certain other Acts (Journal of Laws of 8 January 2015) and implementing acts to the Directive.
The Polish Medicines Verification Organisation was appointed by four organisations:
- Polish Employer Association of Pharmaceutical Industry
- Employers’ Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA
- Association of Parallel Importers of Medicinal Products
- Polish Pharmaceutical Chamber