Center for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP) is a governmental body, established in 2007, subordinated to the Minister responsible for transport. We are an advisory and expertise-oriented institution, which concentrates its work on ensuring that EU money devoted for transport projects is spent in the most efficient way.
EU budget for the transport projects coordinated by CEUTP has been set up at 98 billion PLN. This includes 80 billion PLN within the framework of the Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 Operational Programme, 4,14 billion EUR as part of “Connecting Europe Facility” (CEF) instrument and almost 1,3 billion PLN within the scope of the Eastern Poland 2014-2020 Operational Programme.
We offer interesting and challenging job at CEUTP. In the recruitment process we are especially interested in personal traits of candidates, we value their expertise, self-commitment, independence and determination in achieving goals. Our employees are provided with an excellent working conditions and chances for personal development, offered a multitude of trainings, and given the opportunity to have the language courses and university degrees refunded. We value job stability and offer competitive remuneration.