University of Copenhagen Technology Transfer is the technology transfer office for the University of Copenhagen. As a result, we span a huge range research, knowledge and innovation. You can view some of the inventions that we currently offer here:
We ensure the transfer of exciting inventions from the labs to the market place:
• Our highly skilled legal advisors negotiate a large number of collaboration agreements between the University of Copenhagen and external partners. The legal team handles all questions related to intellectual property rights and work together with our commercial team on licensing agreements between the University/hospitals and external partners.
• Our commercial officers represent a wide range of scientific backgrounds. Most have a background in research, some are certified patent attorneys, some are themselves entrepreneurs, and all have valuable professional experience from industry. They assess the commercial potential of inventions and negotiate the commercial licence agreements with industry partners in Denmark and internationally as well as with newly-formed spin-out companies.
If you are interested in discussing commercial opportunities based on inventions from the University of Copenhagen, please contact us at
#technologytransfer #techtransfer #knowledgetransfer #innovation #researchcollaboration #IP #intellectualproperty #københavnsuniversitet #universityofcopenhagen #regionHovedstaden #regionH #hospitalinnovation #universityinnovation #invention