The Garden Club of Virginia (GCV), established in 1920, is a nonprofit organization focused on conserving natural resources, preserving Virginia’s historic public gardens, and cultivating the knowledge and love of gardening.
Today, GCV comprises 48 independent garden clubs with 3,400 members throughout Virginia. It offers educational programming in conservation, floral design, horticulture, photography, and other areas of interest for its members and the general public. Since 1929, GCV has produced Historic Garden Week, the country’s only statewide home and garden tour, which is hosted by its member clubs. Tour proceeds have funded 129 landscape restorations at 50 properties throughout Virginia, a fellowship program in landscape architecture, and a variety of projects and programs at 29 of Virginia's State Parks.
GCV also supports a graduate fellowship in conservation and environmental studies and hosts a number of publicly available educational events, including flower shows and an annual Conservation Forum.