Karmani Naidoo
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Work Experience
Health Marketing Executive
Company Details
At African Mobility Solutions, we recognise the need for mobility if we intend to provide fleets that extend essential services to the masses of Africa. Today, there are many people living without access to the most basic public services, including healthcare, educational and training opportunities, and a wide range of administrative services that could improve their quality of life. Mobility amplifies and enhances existing healthcare, education and administrative infrastructure – relieving pressure from brick and mortar facilities and allowing those structures to function effectively at a capacity that can handle. Mobility influences positive behavioural change in communities, due to its anonymity. Maximum impact, maximum reach. Putting services on wheels allows our Partners to relocate regularly and constantly introduce new people to their services. Our sophisticated vehicles are agile – they can seamlessly be adapted, repurposed and re-designed to fit our partners’ needs. Our advanced vehicles form a relationship with communities that have been excluded from technological advancements. There is a push now to connect all of Africa, but unfortunately the infrastructure must still be built up in many areas. Our mobile units bypass the waiting period and bring connectivity and sophisticated technology directly to the people.
Year Founded
Social Media
Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
Park Lane Grosvenor Square Block D Century City, Cape Town 8001, ZA
Mobile ClinicsMobile ILabs and ClassroomsCustomised Mobile SolutionsSpecialised vehiclesSpecialised vehicle solutionsTechnological innovationsoftware developmentHIV test and treatMobile officeSocial Impact
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