Our goal is to provide Customers with Economical, Functional and Timely Mechanical Designs and support services.
Services we can provide:
Mechanical Design - Of course. This is why we are in business and what we love to do most. Be it a simple fixture, special machine or support equipment - if it doesn't exist, we want to design it for you.
Reverse Engineering - We all have come across that project, you know - the one which needed built right away, no time for design, needed to be built on the fly - Now you can get that design on paper, ready for the next time you need to build it.
2D & 3D Designs - We offer 2D design in Autodesk and can provide 3D designs in Soildworks
Plotting Services - Have you received drawings or documents, but don't have a way to print them? We can convert those electronic files into hard paper documents.
PDF Conversions - We offer many options for converting PDF drawings or documents into electronic files which are editable for use, saving you time and money.
Manufacturing Services Support - Looking for some additional machining resources? We have many resources to help you meet your budget and timeline