CamSCAT is a private non-profit organization created in 2007 to represent and support the High-Technology Corporate Services’ Sector (SCAT) in Costa Rica.
This economic sector (SCAT) has experienced a rapid growth in Costa Rica within the last years, making it now one of the main engines of growth and employment generation in the country's economy.
Reasons for the Organization’s creation:
- The need to organize the SCAT Sector in order to face common problems and needs in a coordinated manner, seeking a competitive growth and the best conditions for the companies and employees within the sector.
- Contribute with the country’s development.
Our Vision:
Promoting a competitive environment that meets the specific needs of the SCAT sector while enabling its sustainable growth in Costa Rica.
Our Mission:
Representing the interests and ensuring sustainable growth for our associates as members of the High-Technology Corporate Services’ Sector, their employees and the communities where they operate.