ANGLO offers English Summer Courses for 10-17 year-olds and High School Academic Year Programmes. We are accredited by the British Council for the Teaching of English in the UK, and our team has many years of experience in the EFL and Outdoor Activity Industries.
Our summer courses run for two to four weeks in July and August and are based at carefully selected university and college campuses across the UK, USA and Ireland.
Our students receive 17.5 hours of English language tuition each week in the UK together with Anglo + Programme which ensures students make the most of their stay in the UK to activate their language skills and develop an interest in local customs and culture. This is achieved through a programme of out-of-class learning sessions, especially designed to engages junior students.
On campus, students enjoy a range of sports, activities and other entertainment such as themed discos, talent shows, blind date and quiz competitions. Our excursion programme consists of a variety of full-day and half-day trips which allow students to visit sites and areas of local or national cultural interest within reach of their centre.
This combination helps to create a memorable programme of recreational activities and provide valuable additional opportunities for students to practise their English with new friends from around the world.
The High School Academic Year Programme gives students the opportunity to spend either a term or a full academic year in high schools and sixth-form colleges across the south of England.
Our aim is to deliver attractive, quality programmes at a competitive price, and most importantly to show you that learning a language is fun.