SolidEarth is an engineering consulting company specializing in geotechnical, geo-environmental, environmental, and materials engineering and testing. We service clients in the Oil and gas, municipal, government, industrial, and commercial sectors.
SolidEarth is registered and holds a permit to practice from the Associations of Professional Engineers and Geosciences of both Alberta and Saskatchewan (APEGA and APEGS)
SolidEarth laboratories are CCIL certified concrete and asphalt testing laboratories. The concrete laboratory is CCIL certified Level “Q” with the flexural option, and all of our field technicians are certified to sample and test concrete (Category QF and QL). The asphalt laboratory is CCIL certified Type “B”.
SolidEarth is licensed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to own and operate portable nuclear gauges.
SolidEarth holds a Certificate of Recognition (COR) from the Alberta Construction Safety Association and has developed a comprehensive safety program.
SolidEarth holds an active registration with ISNetworld and our health and safety program is approved by leading Oil and Gas clients.
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