Our Mission:
The Greens Bayou Coalition promotes resilience, economic development and quality of life in the Greens Bayou watershed.
We do this by:
--Advocating for flood resiliency/damage and reduction
--Adding and improving parks and trails in communities within the watershed
--Organizing cleanups and tree plantings along the bayou and in detention basins
--Acquiring grants and funds to support new projects and programs within the watershed
--Communicating with businesses, communities and governmental agencies and officials about issues within the watershed
A 501(c)3 organization, Greens Bayou Coalition is funded by the donations of individuals and corporations, as well as grants.
About the Bayou
The Greens Bayou watershed meanders approximately 45 miles throughout Houston, Jersey Village, Jacinto City, Galena Park, Humble and Harris County. The watershed covers about 212 square miles and includes four primary streams: Greens Bayou, Halls Bayou, Garners Bayou and Reinhardt Bayou. There are some 308 miles of open streams, including primary streams and tributary channels.
From its narrow, ditch-like headway in the US 290 area to its deep, tree-lined delta at the Port of Houston, Greens Bayou is as varied as the neighborhoods it traverses.