Oohoo is a spin-off company of the University of Alberta, Campus Saint-Jean and is located in Edmonton, Canada. After many years in R&D in learning technologies, a group from Campus Saint-Jean’s technical team decided to take advantage of its expertise in computer-assisted learning and in Moodle programing by creating Oohoo IT Services.
We specialize in computer-assisted learning such as distance learning, hybrid learning, online content, learning technologies, etc. Oohoo adopted the platform Moodle as its learning management system (LMS), regularly creates open-source software and plugins integrated to Moodle and reinvests the great majority of its profits into R&D.
Oohoo covers all stages of course implementation from installing and hosting servers and key programs, to course development, advice on on-line best practices and training. Our development practices are supported by the current state of research in pedagogical research and we provide services in both French and English.