ATIRA is an autonomous non-profit association for textile research. It is the largest of its kind in India for textile & allied industries. ATIRA was established on 13th December 1947, and started in 1949 after due recognition by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research under the Ministry of Science and Technology, GoI. Later it was linked to the Ministry of Textiles.
ATIRA Activities
The Science and Technology activities of ATIRA extend over a wide field. The R&D activities include:
1. Process Optimization for improved processed control, leading to better quality, cost reduction and export promotion.
2. Development of New Products, Processes and Design of New Instruments, Equipments & Machinery with emphasis on Industry/user collaboration/sponsorship as far as possible.
3. Supportive studies in areas of Environmental Pollution, Management, Human Relations and Policy Aspects.
The Extension Activities Include :
1. Consultancy
2. Training :
3. Testing :
4. Dissemination to Industry
5. Calibration : NABL Accredited Lab : Mechanical, Thermal and Electro-Technical Disciplines Accreditation Certificate No. CC-2824
Issue date 30.08.2018 and valid till 29.08.2020
One day Conference on
‘Responsible Textile Production through sustainable chemicals management’ - ATIRA perspective on Zero discharge of hazardous chemicals in Textile & Allied Industry
December 26, 2018 at ATIRA, PO Ambawadi Vistar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Organised by
ATIRA, Ahmedabad
Gujarat Council on Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat Department of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat
Research, Cable Trays, Electronics & Electrical Supplies, Profile Sheets, Ldpe Sheets, Plastic Sheets, Plastics & Products, Research, general, Research and testing, IT, Internet, R&D
HQ Location
P.O.Ambawadi Vistar
Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015, IN
Composites Procudt DevelopmentEnvironmental Engineering AuditCalibration of InstrumentsCottoFibreYarn & Fabric TestingGeotextile TestingNano fibre Process DevelopmentTEV StudyTraining : Ginning