Happy Little Guillotine Studios is a full service creative agency and production company that has produced and distributed campaigns for an amalgam of clientele: from TV networks to Fortune 500 companies, from global corporations to the scrappy little guys, from ad agencies to the brands they represent.
Plus, how great is the word “amalgam?”
We are an award-winning, critically acclaimed company who has literally written the book on new media (really, there's a book: http://www.amazon.com/Scriptwriting-2-0-Writing-Digital-Age/dp/1934432423!) With over a decade of experience, we have helped create and evolve the digital entertainment space – and all this while having a delightfully silly name.
We offer not passing clicks, but die-hard fans. Not quick, disinterested glances, but the kind of social interaction that only the best online content [and kittens in ear muffs] can drive.
We do this by creating entertainment and stories that fascinate, by aligning ourselves with partners who get real views, not bought robots. Most importantly, we do this by treating your individual campaign like an art piece, a film, a story.
So, come talk to us and let us tell your story – for we are Happy Little Guillotine Studios and we are a head above the rest.