Jurij Stukovnik
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Work Experience
Jan 2002 - Present · 22 years and 11 months
creativio - development lab
2011 - Present · 13 years and 11 months
Inclusivo - Digital inclusion and accessibility
Managing Director
Jul 2023 - Present · 1 years and 5 months
Company Details
Creativio is an award-winning digital development company focused on developing web and mobile digital solutions with a great user experience. We have offices in Slovenia, Austria and United Kingdom. Experience, perfection and creativity produce excellent services. They are the key to our long-lasting partnerships. Since 2001, we have worked closely with over 250 satisfied clients from Europe and the United Kingdom. We have successfully realized more than 400 projects. We provide advanced digital services, design and development with flawless user experience. To assure high effectiveness, transparency and success of projects, we develop digital products following the modern agile management methods combined with design thinking processes. --- Tovarna idej je večkrat nagrajeno podjetje specializirano za razvoj digitalnih produktov na spletnih in mobilnih tehnologijah. Izkušnje, perfekcionizem in ustvarjalnost prinašajo odlične storitve. So ključ do našega dolgotrajnega partnerstva. 20+ let tesno sodelujemo z 250+ zadovoljnimi naročniki iz Evrope in Velike Britanije. Uspešno smo realizirali 500+ digitalnih projektov. Ponujamo napredne digitalne storitve, od načrtovanja do razvoj s poudarkom na brezhibni uporabniški izkušnji. Da bi zagotovili visoko efektivnost, transparentnost in uspešnost projektov, razvijamo digitalne produkte po sodobnih agilnih metodah vodenja v kombinaciji z »Design Thinking« metodami.
Year Founded
Social Media
Information Technology & Services
HQ Location
Osojnikova 17 Maribor, Maribor 2000, SI
Mobile developmentWeb developmentUser experienceDesigIT solutionsWeb desigMobile appsInformation systemsIoT
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