The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC –pronounced “gee-pak”) is a member-led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) active in the field of conflict prevention
and peacebuilding from around the world. Founded in 2003, the network consists of fifteen regional networks of local organisations; each region having its own priorities, character and agenda.
GPPAC members from around the world collaborate on issues of common interest. As part of its mission to work towards a shift from reaction to prevention of violent conflict, the network supports multiactor collaboration and advocates for local ownership of conflict prevention strategies.
The network is coordinated by a Global Secretariat based in The Hague, The Netherlands.
GPPAC informs policy by connecting civil society with key decision makers at national, regional and global level. As a network of peacebuilders, we present civil society analysis of conflicts from a human security perspective, we generate knowledge and define collaborative mechanisms to prevent violent conflict.
GPPAC builds capacity through learning exchanges on conflict prevention, involving civil society practitioners, state institutions, UN representatives, regional organisations and other key actors. We document lessons learned, develop resources and support trainings such as:
- Conflict analysis
- Dialogue and mediation
- Peace and conflict resolution education
- Gender-sensitive approaches
- Civil-military relations
GPPAC enables collaboration between civil society and other actors to analyse trends and improve long-term peacebuilding strategies, with the objective to foster joint action. We support organisations based in conflict-affected countries, and in politically sensitive contexts where official channels of communication and interaction are limited or absent. We enable and facilitate collaborative projects that aim to prevent conflict and build sustainable peace.