Each day , the Canadian Cancer Society is working to save more lives . With thousands of Quebecers , donors and volunteers , she struggles to prevent more cancers , enable our researchers to more discoveries and help more people affected by the disease . In Quebec , our team has nearly 200 employees and more than 30,000 volunteers.
You share our values of dedication, determination , integrity and dynamism ? If cancer is a cause that touches you, if you want your experience helps save lives and help those affected by the disease, join us. Put your skills to a great cause .
Watch our jobs or Volunteer for CSC. We will be happy to offer you a volunteer activity adapted to your strengths, your interests and availability .
We are all part of the solution.
Let's save more lives.
Jobs and volunteering
Jobs : http://www.cancer.ca/fr-ca/about-us/careers/current-opportunities/?region=qc
Volunteer Activities : http://www.cancer.ca/fr-ca/get-involved/volunteering/ways-to-volunteer/?region=qc
Follow us on social media
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sccquebec
Twitter https://twitter.com/SCC_Quebec
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/sccquebec
Individual and Family Services
HQ Location
5151, boul. de l’Assomption
Montréal, Québec H1T 4A9, CA
Organisation à but non lucratifRecherche sur le cancerDéfense de l'intérêt publicPrévention du cancerInformation sur le cancerand Soutien aux personnes atteintes