Canadian Online High School started in September 2012 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada when two experienced veterans of education Jim Mombourquette (Technical Director) and Will Lenssen (Principal) decided to reach students in a completely new way with technology. The internet is an amazing resource for education so why not put a school directly in it? Canadian Online High School allows Ontario, Canada high school courses and credits to reach the far corners of the world. Our learning environment is very student centered and we follow the guidelines of the Growing Success document the Ontario Ministry of Education requires for the most modern form of fair assessment and teaching methods.
Our Teachers
Our teachers are all Ontario College of Teachers certified or equivalent and come from around the world, truly bringing a global perspective to the online classroom. One of the largest differences that COHS has to other online high schools is that our teachers are there throughout the course not only to support the students as they work through the course content but to teach. We want our students to be the best students they can be so they are prepared to enter into the workforce they will soon be leaders in.
Safe and Secure
COHS uses a very safe and firewalled e-learning environment for all of our courses with Desire2Learn (D2L) ( accessible by computers, tablets and mobile devices.