Documento is a business group in the K-Business market in Brazil. The group relies on its internally designed E-Science strategy based on intensive use of technology to obtain precise, dynamic and responsive results, as in the the Smart Villages and Smart Cities modelling products. Our Big Data management provides a complete relationship platform, which allows accessibility and transparence to stakeholders involved in the projects. Documento believes in the collaborative construction of knowledge as a strategy for the preservation of the Cultural Environment, and the engagement of its Environmental Cybernetics Ecosystem is fundamental for the inclusion of communities in this process.
Composed by the companies “Documento Anthropology and Archaeology” and “Documento Projects and Planning” the group accumulated over 25 years of experience in the Cultural Risk and Archaeology Markets, with offices in the greater São Paulo, Brazil. Throughout the years, experience gradually led to an expansion of the group´s offering to Cultural Heritage Governance, Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural-Environment Governance projects.
The Documento Group is compromised in the performance of scientific research within the concepts of Applied and Sustainability Science, aligned with good national and international practices.