Apricon has been a partner of TRUMPF Laser in Finland and Baltic countries for over 20 years. TRUMPF is a market and technology leader in machine tools and lasers for industrial manufacturing. We know the latest laser technology and will help you select the best laser processing solutions.
Apricon provides you with lasers and optics for laser machines and production lines, workstations for various laser processes, robot cells for laser welding, as well as systems for laser marking and 3D printing. We offer also consultation in laser safety, beam guidance, sensor system, and laser beam diagnostics. We have through our partners extensive global service network and good availability of spare parts. We support you with all the steps up to the commissioning of your laser system.
Our sister company TruTekniikka is a TRUMPF Machine tools partner in Finland. Our other leading laser technology partners are Precitec, Primes, II-VI Infrared, and Laservision.