People Know How is a Scottish charity that aims to improve wellbeing across communities by supporting people to overcome barriers and thrive. We deliver services locally in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and engage in research and campaigning to effect change on a national scale. We also provide a national digital support helpline: 0800 0 590 690.
Our work supports all parts of the community including children, young people, families and adults. Our services recognise the varied and intersectional experiences and needs of each individual. This is why we take a hybrid approach to our service delivery, combining a holistic model with tailor-made support while also making use of partnerships to signpost to other appropriate interventions in addition to our own service offerings.
These partnerships play a key role in placing the voices of those we support at the centre of our work to effect social change. By collaborating across the four sectors (third, public, business and academic) we are not only able to work together to deliver local support, but also engage in research, and campaign for policy change nationally.
Since our foundation in 2013 we have formed a People Know How community made up of staff, trustees, volunteers, interns, placement students, the people we support and stakeholders across the sectors. We’re committed to inclusion and value the diverse experiences of every member of this community.