Torrance Compounding Pharmacy is a community pharmacy specializing in creating compounded medications. Pharmacy compounding is the art and science of preparing customized medications for patients.
Patients may need a customized medication in a strength or dosage form that is not commercially available (for example, a child may need a medication in liquid form, rather than the commercially available tablets). When this occurs your doctor will prescribe a compounded medication to be made specifically for you by a compounding pharmacist.
Torrance Compounding pharmacy has been operating since 1993 and has over eight years of compounding experience. Torrance also offers discounts and free compliance packaging to seniors. Compliance packaging makes medication easier to manage and to remember by having your pharmacist package all of your pills into a weekly schedule of four possible dosage times per day. Compliance packaging has been proven to improve the health and well-being of seniors while reducing adverse drug events.