The story of robotics is the story of the future of mankind. As the century of automation unfolds rapidly before our eyes, we at Gideon believe that humans and Visual AI-based Mobile Robots working together in harmonious workflows will enable our customers and our economy to adapt, grow, and become more resilient. The coming decade will be marked in history by a proliferation of mobile robots of all shapes and sizes, designed to help companies do more with less. We made it our mission to give those machines the critical abilities to see, reason, interact with the world, and, most importantly, work closely with their human supervisors, empowering humans to excel in workflows that constantly grow in complexity. Humans and robots together will build better days ahead.
Gideon is an ambitious team of constantly learning dreamers, with different backgrounds, skills, and experiences. Above all, we cherish curiosity for understanding and solving our customer’s toughest mobile automation challenges. We are fast to deliver, have a team-first mindset, and we’re humbled for having the opportunity to work with so many great employees, customers, and partners.
Industrial Automation, Automatic Guided Vehicles, Cherry Pickers, Vehicles, Plant & Facility Equipment, Robots, Automation Equipment, Automation & Electronics
HQ Location
Radnička 177
Zagreb, Croatia 10000, HR
RoboticsAIAutonomous RobotsSLAMMachine LearningSystem DesignRobotic ArmsDeep Reinforcement LearningEmbedded SystemsIndustry 4.0