zvelo provides industry-leading cyber threat intelligence and URL classification data services. zvelo’s proprietary AI-based threat detection and categorization technologies, combines curated domains, threat and other data feeds, with the clickstream traffic from its global partner network of 1 billion users and endpoints to provide unmatched visibility, coverage, reach and accuracy.
zvelo powers applications and solutions for the world's leading providers of web filtering, endpoint security, brand safety and contextual targeting, cyber threat intelligence and analysis, and more.
zvelo is headquartered in Denver with offices in the Philippines.
Learn more at https://www.zvelo.com/
Computer and Network Security, Computer Systems Design and Related Services, Services
HQ Location
5445 DTC Parkway
Suite 500
Greenwood Village, CO 80111, US
URL ClassificatioWeb FilteringMalicious Threat IntelligencePhishing Threat IntelligenceBrand SafetyContextual CategorizatioCyber Threat IntelligenceCybersecurityThreat Feeds for Blocking & AnalysisNetwork Security