Joshua Crumbaugh
Chief Hacker & Ceo at Peoplesec™
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Work Experience
Chief Hacker & Ceo
Company Details
11-50 Employees
PeopleSec specializes in the human element of cybersecurity with a comprehensive set of services designed to maximize your security by improving your workforce as a whole, your InfoSec teams, your IT personnel, and your software application developers. NextGen Human Firewall - UPGRADE YOUR WORKFORCE’S SECURITY The goal of our service is not merely to educate and train your workforce. Those are means to ends. Our goal is to stop your employees from letting the bad guys in. No more malware cleanup. No more ransom-ware. No more data ex-filtrated. The lack of these incidents is one of the true measures of your security. But we don’t stop there. We aim to improve your overall security by transforming potential cyber liabilities (your employees) into actual assets in your cyber defenses. How? We enable a security-conscious culture where your employees effectively act like a vigilant neighborhood watch, expanding the eyes and ears of detection for your InfoSec teams. TARGETED TRAINING We educate and train according to your employees’ individual needs, not a cookie-cutter program. The people who need the most, get the most. The people who need the least, get only what’s necessary for them. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial Intelligence is what underpins our ability to education and train en masse with mass customization. FULLY MANAGED SERVICE We don’t believe that it’s possible to achieve the level of security we offer with DIY. If you want your incident rate to drop to near 0%, that effort must be lead by people who do it for a living. NEUROSCIENCE TECHNIQUES You can’t effectively change the behavior of everyone in the organization without tools and techniques and interactions driven by neuro-science HUMAN INTERVENTION Automation, however sophisticated, only goes so far. Some people will only change with the human touch. Our security specialists reach out to your users with tailored feedback and monitoring.
Year Founded
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Security and Investigations
HQ Location
200 West Side Square, Suite 801 Huntsville, AL 35801 Suite 801 Huntsville, Alabama 35801, US
Information SecuritySecurity AwarenessUser SecuritySocial EngineeringHuman SecurityCyber SecurityPenetration TestingRed TeamHuman Firewall
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