Secure Wealth Management (SWM) offers actively-managed ESG portfolios using ETFs.
SWM is a New Zealand company.
We have an outstanding 12-year track record, delivering significant outperformance with every ESG strategy and on every time horizon (see the fact sheets on the Our Portfolios page).
SWM offers 5 core global ESG portfolios consisting entirely of highly-liquid ETFs. The portfolios are graded across the client risk spectrum. Our ESG portfolios provide a fully diversified, cost-effective and completely transparent solution for a client’s core portfolio requirements. All of SWM’s portfolios offer complete flexibility to clients, who can encash their portfolios in 24 hours.
We have been running our ESG portfolios for twelve years, delivering outstanding returns both in absolute and relative terms. Our ETF selection is based on a blend of technical and quantitative indicators.