Wilson Worldwide Productions is an exciting production company, with programmes airing in over 150 countries worldwide. Our series Mission Mudder was the most watched show of the year on it's channel Sky Sports Mix and consequently was one of the most prolifically distributed series of the last five years.
Our Managing Director, Josh Wilson, was listed as a Forbes 30 under 30 Most Influential People in Entertainment in Europe in 2018, alongside the likes of Anthony Joshua, Maisie Williams and Rita Ora. In 2019 Josh was a judge for the same category.
We are currently producing a wide range of productions, including scripted drama, documentaries, factual entertainment and comedy for the UK and international broadcasters. We have also worked with a number of different brands including Lucozade and Jeep.
We have a strong belief in supporting creativity and endeavour to attract and support the best in on-screen, writing and production talent from both the UK and abroad.